Thursday, June 26, 2014


Publishing has existed in its current for centuries. Ever since paper was first invented, human beings have found ways of using it. Books, magazines and newspapers are now part of our everyday lives.With the invention of Internet and speed of technological advances, publishing is changing. E-magazines, blogs, and even e-book readers are changing the way we get information.

Will we ever stop picking up a good old fahioned newspaper?
E-publishing versus papaer publishing- Who will win?
What are the advantages of e-publishing vs paper publishing?


  1. No. Because traditional publishing also involves communication and dissemination, legitimation, file and memory.
    E-Publishing will win because they are the expression of a phenomenon of continuity and change, resume elements of printed publications such as presentation, structure and organization of information.
    The advantages of e-publishing is that It's fast, easy, inexpensive and can be performed by anyone with or without knowledge in computer and potential spread, immediacy, economy and flexibility.

  2. The traditional Edition does not go out of style because it is a form of communication and information in which older people use this medium, because many do not know how to use a computer.

    I think that the traditional Edition will always exist, but also believe that we are living change in technology that helps us save time, review things online without wasting paper.

    Instead new generation or people studied seem them that e-publishing is the best choice, its advantage is easy, saves money, and be always connected from anywhere.

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    1. We will never stop picking a good newspaper fahioned old?
      I believe that if I move left would be a publication of the electronic paper in the U.S. and inclus
      or well known as the New Era, and are not published on paper, but all publications are uploaded by Internet, newspaper is an example of a little change occurs and everything is going cultivating and encouraging readers to this new change
      E-publishing papaer against publishing-Who will win?
      E-publication won the fight, many of the major environmental factors environmental resources are not spent and instead will use the technology and that's without taking into account that it is faster to get a book or reading Internet that period in the traditional newspaper, because we want to know if yesterday's news on the Internet is easy to find an earlier edition of a newspaper to obtain if the traditional newspaper.
      What are the advantages of electronic publishing vs. print edition?
      electronic publishing
      Uses less resources only technology, but environmental resources like paper.
      It is easier to get on the Internet than a traditional newspaper, with only investigate this event or news you want to know
      edition paper
      For convenience, the traditional newspaper is not the same as reading a story in E-publising in a newspaper to read a book or an i-notica pap or table can be bad for the eyes future

    2. The ideas are not so clear.

  4. If true, the environmental factor was one of the main factors which led to the use of electronic publication. Another advantage of electronic publication is that publications would be conducted immediately, also may have media readers and we would have the facility to make our comments, but the downside would be the cost of the internet, equipment, and handling difficult pc in older adults.

  5. E-publishing is not a replacement for the traditional publishing. Both complement each other and many times it is possible to think in mixed approaches, i.e. paper and bits. The E-publishing as opposed to the traditional publishing constitute its digitised form in its process of editing and production.The E-publishing wins the fight, in many respects one of the main factors would be, that environmental resources are not used and instead used the technology and that without taking into account that is faster. The advantages of E-publishing are the following.
    - Opportunity and quickly in the dissemination and distribution of the information.
    - Inclusion of dimensional information sound and video, as well as the ease of manipulation.
    - Does not generate costs of printing, binding as they are very expensive.
    - Low cost of storage, the original is saved to a disk. You can create an infinite number of copies at any time.
    - Ease of shipment, you can distribute, send and receive almost immediate through the internet.

  6. Currently on the Internet allows us to review online national and international newspapers for the latest in print.

    Such publications recurrent appearance in time, there almost since the advent of the printing press, becoming the first means of mass communication and journalism path statement.

    The evolution of consumer technology is breaking down barriers that recently seemed untouchable, like the ability to know what is happening in other countries where ad pages and newspapers involved.

  7. Will we ever stop picking up a good old fashioned newspaper?
    I think sometime newspapers could exit the market because technology advances and has many advantages over traditional publishing.

    E-publishing versus papaer publishing- Who will win?
    Electronic publishing in a coming day will win this competition because it is a quicker way to keep people updated with the latest news of the day.

    What are the advantages of e-publishing vs paper publishing?
    The advantages of electronic publishing are many.
    One is the speed to publish an event. In the e-publication the information is instantly while in the traditional publication would have to wait minimum of one day. Electronic publishing is also more environmentally friendly.

  8. As rapidly as our society changes, traditional publishing is not always the most effective method for communicating. Electronic publishing, on the other hand, offers a rapid way to present your ideas to a global market.

    Instant publishing and the ability to re-write and change e-book text quickly, means that ideas can be adapted and modified quickly - much quicker than traditional publishing.

    Publishing an e-book is completely different than print publishing.

  9. A virtual newspaper still can not replace a physical newspaper because it is more expensive to access for adults who do not know how to handle a computer.

    By now even paper publications win because not all readers can access the internet.

    I think the advantages of e-publishing are little use of paper and ink to express the information.

  10. There will come a time when publications will no longer be necessary due to paper avanze of technology all have access to electronic publications from anywhere and anytime.

    The E-publishing always exceeded papaer publishing due to the following advantages:

    • Timeliness and speed of dissemination and distribution of information.
    • Inclusion of spatial information, sound and video.
    • Ease of handling, accessibility.
    • Personalization of content and increased user interaction.

  11. Won the E-publishing because of the easy availability but never stop exitir paper publishing.

    The advantages of electronic publishing is that they avoid the felling of trees and damage the ecosystem, are at the disposal of all immediately and is priced lower.

    1. E publishing will won because of its easiness and availability, but we will never stop using traditional publishing.
      The advantages of an electronic publishing is that it avoids the falling trees and prevent us from damaging our ecosystem.

  12. Online journalism is defined as the reporting of facts produced and distributed via the Internet.
    The newspaper is a media that informs, guides and entertains.
    currently with desarrolo of technology is no longer necessary to wait for the delivery of different newspapers to matenerce reported. Now we keep you informed through the updated online news; thus to know the important events that happen in the world.

  13. In my opinion and with the advancement of technology the traditional publishing slowly it loses each day brings new trends looking to improve our possession objects. Nowadays who does not own a cell phone with internet and search the information you want there are many.
    Although not completely gone consider publishing on paper at least in these next 10 years but if there are new trends that look just remove this material, paper.
    The advantages would be that including e-publishing allows you to interact with the editor, commenting, so suggestions almost directly by the opposite of traditional publishing.
    A disadvantage to e-publishing is that the editor or publishers need internet

  14. I think the advantages of electronic publication are:
    Its free, no cost of production, can interact with the editor and you can read instantly from anywhere without going to a store to buy it.
    Even for people who appreciate reading a newspaper, book or magazine could be on for the paper edition, besides the people who have the skills to operate a computer will be your first choice in the paper edition.

  15. I think traditional publishing is a means of communication to inform us all, for adults. We do not have the reach of us know via online publishers like people who have been trained have somehow gained knowledge.

    One conclusion would be that the traditional fashion show edition not be maintained for a clear and accurate information. Keep in mind the time of change we live, we must update us.

  16. In my opinion today's e-publishing is better as it can instantly make publications and be informed at the time; although the traditional publishing continues to occupy an important place in society, the technologies are changing, improving and leaving all this aside traditional.

    1. Fatima you have not written the answers of the 3 questions clearly.

  17. I think the days of the printed newspaper are numbered, changes in technology, cheap equipment and access to the internet are making more and more people seeking information digitally.

    Currently most of the daily maintain a digital portal where information is constantly updated, this has been the trend and what I believe will be predominate in the future.

    The advantages of digital print publication are many, but we can highlight the immediate access to information within minutes of the event happened, the ability to organize information and upload it to the web and the mass distribution of information

  18. The newspaper is the most important media of information for all times, but in this times the information travel in the ethernet and make the information be exactly and in real time. But the newspaper always be popular.

    The e-published is a growing power in the information world, because the technology is manipulate for everybody, sadless for this reassons the paper published low his sales and popularity

    The advantages of the e-published are:

    * Allow see the information in real time
    * Is most ecologyc
    * We can have all the information in one device
    * More easy to storage and transportate


    1. The advantages of e-publishing are:
      1. It allows to see the information in real time;
      2. it is more ecologic;
      3. we can have more information in one device;
      4. E-publishing can be stored easily.

  19. I think traditional publishing has its advantage:
    I think people who are not trained to read an electronic publishing but also think that we should be updated as technology advances so save resources.

  20. I think that there are many views on these questions, for young people is indiscutuble for them is much better electronic advertising, but for older people it's easier to use magazines or newspapers.

    Talking about the advantages of electronic advertising is that it saves a lot of paper and the environment is not damaged, it is the case of trees.

    Another advantage is that users have more information to consume with one click

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The technology is much better electronic advertising, but for older people it's easier to use magazines or newspapers.

    The advantages of the e-published are:

    - advertising is cheaper on the web than the written
    - Allow see the information in real time
    - Is most ecologyc
    - More easy to storage and transportate

    now a magazine to run only on the web

    1. E-advertising is cheaper than the traditional publishing.
      E-publishing allows to see the information in real time
      E-publishing is mor ecological.
      E.publishing is easier to transport and store.

  23. The virtual newspaper has several advantages front the physical newspaper the most important that is friendly to the environment by not using a resource such as paper, besides the large amount of information that can be obtained in just a few seconds is enough one click.
    But also the great disadvantage is that not everyone can access this environment, people poor and many adults who do not accept the use of technology and prefer the traditional.

  24. no, the good works of prestigious newspapers would live on forever. e-plublishin win this battle because everything points to that. the main advantage of electronic publishing is that they help protect the environment

  25. In my opinion, e-publishing will win against traditional publishing, the most important reason is that we can find the information what we are looking for, faster than a newspaper in few seconds.

  26. In my opinion the electronic publication and the paper edition are holding hands, and that electronic publishing can be for people who are in technology as we know there are people who do not know electronic technology because for them it is easier the paper edition of the electronic publication so that's why the two are holding hands the electronic publication for those who know electronic technology and the paper edition of the foolish.

  27. -I think that many users have not presented at the hearing discomfort after using the device for a long time to read or work on it. A book or magazine does not cause this trouble because reading is done based on natural light or light that is in the room.
    -Consider that publishing paper is very good and used that there are many places where it is still difficult to have internet but web publishing can have advantage over the speed and distance at the time of any advertising.
    -Between the advantages of web publishing have real-time information, more quickly when sharing publications, more changes in capapcidad advertising information, etc.

  28. No, we will never stop picking up a good old fashioned newspaper because always is interesting to read this kind of newspaper already that never gets old.
    I think the paper publishing win the battle because it is in the culture of people and the history.
    One of the advantages is that It can be read in different countries in the same time.

  29. No, because this contain good information and the old way of news.
    This is a difficult answer but I think that the paper publishing win because the technology can disappear but the pencil never will.
    One of the advantages is that it can be more fast to communicate between people.

    1. Hi, I think that the E-publishing has many advantages on traditional publishing because the E-publishing is a way whereby we can hold information for long time, also through to use of the E-publishing, be accelerates and facilitates the reading and editing of contents and their cost is lower.

  30. Hi, I think that the E-publishing has many advantages on traditional publishing because the E-publishing is a way whereby we can hold information for long time, also through to use of the E-publishing, be accelerates and facilitates the reading and editing of contents and their cost is lower.

  31. good from my point of view the electronic publication today is better because it is not necessary to have physical paper which helps the environment, plus your publications will always be easier to find, but it is also true that not everyone podiran use this electronic medium.

  32. I believes,The Internet also will be more dynamic in the future.
    Rather than being "just-for-fun," social media sites also have become business tools.
    As Internet speed grows, so will the medium.
    Holograms will be innovation.
    Also the much help with recycling, for example, the virtual newspaper.
    The job hunting in the near future, get the most information in the time possible.
